Lord Tennyson Victorian Ballad, "Lady of Shalott."
The inspiration behind this mixed media project.
There was an aubergine (the color purple...in the eggplant hue) challenge that I entered. This art work did not make the cut for the magazine. I love it regardless of publication or not. My favorite color is purple, I crave that color and hold back from abusing it in my work. On top of purple, mixing it with Victorian romance well, it made my day or several days, to be exact a week, working on this mixed media. Wish I had close up details so you can see what fun I had sneaking little beauties all over the place. After I was done with this piece, my floor spoke evidence of all the beads, lace, flowers which I packed and I mean packed into it. Challenges offer a chance to explore a world that you have not yet discovered. Over the years of creating art and writing, I have enough rejection slips to wallpaper the house. But I also have some blessed samples of my writing and art work published. Truly, my life is not complete without using my creativity. In fact, if I've skipped a week, my husband reminds me to go to my studio. And I come out happy. Got to love a man who understands what makes his wife tick!
I must state that our family had been blessed this past year. We are so thankful for time together, for the healing of my husband and prostate cancer, for our older daughter acquiring a job as a teacher and her husband working also. And for our younger daughter, finding a wonderful place to worship with other kids her age and learning to be herself, in this pressured world of being something else. Truly God blesses us daily.Have a day filled with peace joy hope and love.Elaine