I don't work at Lowe's. I am however a frequent visitor to the store, maybe to frequent. (Fixer upper house.) I am proud to say that I took paint chip samples from the day I saw them (years and I mean years ago.) In fact, my husband accepts the fact that when he ventures to Lowe's, he makes a stop at the paint chip section. I'm afraid the red light might go off if I enter to many times and security comes running after me with the paint stir sticks. Which I've taken quite of few of, also! Talk about altered art ideas.On to the post. My free Lowe's Creative Ideas came in today. Look at the colors on the cover. My pulse increases, rapid breathing occurs until...
I reach this page. I am in color heaven. Wow, what a page of beauties. No matter if you used these mixes before they refresh you, energize you to venture forth in your color journey.
I just had to share this with all the paint chip and material swatch addicts in the world. Yes, material swatches...Have fun with your colors.
Color, I love color! Imagine my hubby used to be a white wall kinda guy. That just don't go for me, red, butterscotch, sage, pumpkin. Color glorious color!!
Color my world! I love color and can not possibly imagine life without it! If you listen very very closely you can hear that page calling my name....
Colour....patterns.....textures.......Oh my, I think I'm going into a heavenly state of shock!
Since we're talking about behaviour that may just get us kicked out of our favourite stores....I have to touch the merchandise. I'm mesmerized by textures, whether it be a silky shirt, cord jeans, embossed paper or a bronze candle holder with a basket weave pattern on it. But clothing or textiles in general are my biggest weakness. I've caught myself running my hands over materials I wasn't even looking at. Luckily, I've been able to refrain from clothing being worn....by strangers.
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