Thursday, April 9, 2009


Lincoln. A word our entire family knows by heart. Why? My husband is a history buff. And A Lincoln is at the top of the list. I never knew history could be fun, until I married a history buff. And from there, Lincoln entered my art.

I attempted an up close on this photo, so you can see my work with batik on the banner and sentiment. And the fun stitching my now deceased sewing machine did. Down to the old grumpy machine. But soon, another machine to add to the studio, that makes some cool stitching.

Peaceful blessings.


Lincoln trivia: Major Rathbone and Clara Harris were guest in the Lincoln box when Lincoln was assassinated. Rathbone was seriously wounded and never recovered from the trauma of that evening. Rathbone and Harris were married the next year. Several years later, Rathbone murdered Clara and spent the rest of his life in an asylum.


Anonymous said...

I love it, and the trivia. Great idea. Can't wait for more!

Anonymous said...

I like it.

Mary G. said...

This is so nice! My son would love this! Actually my 1st cousin 4 times removed, Galusha Grow, was Speaker of the House of Representatives under Lincoln. That's my bit of trivia. :)

Great blog by the way!